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Boundary Survey


A Boundary Survey of the subject property will be made and the property corners will be located and verified or reset. The improvements on the property will be located and encroachments onto or from the subject property will be determined. This survey can be used by the property owner(s) for the construction of a fence or other improvements. This type of survey will comply with the "Minimum Standards for Property Boundary Surveys" for the State of Missouri.



Surveyor's Real Property Report


A Surveyor's Real Property Report is a location of improvements and a cursory check for encroachments onto or from the subject property based on existing but not confirmed, evidence will be made. This report does not constitute a Boundary Survey and is subject to any inaccuracies that a subsequent Boundary Survey may disclose. No boundary markers or corners will be set and this report should not be used or relied upon for the establishment of any fence, structure or any other improvement. No warranty of any kind is extended therein to the present or future owner(s) or occupant(s).

ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey


An ALTA/ACSM Survey is the most comprehensive type of survey available. It covers all of the aspects of the boundary and improvement location survey as well as identification of any additional evidence of possession or use which could be adverse to the interests of the purchaser. This type of survey is normally only performed on commercial properties due to the cost associated with the extensive work involved.

Topographic Survey


A topographic survey, also known as an existing conditions survey or a ground survey, shows the features of the land. It may show contour lines that represent specific elevations relating to a predetermined project datum, indicating the three dimensional features of the property onto a two dimensional surface. A topographic survey typically includes both natural and man-made features. It is common to show hills, streams, lakes, and vegetation along with major buildings, fences, roads, transmission lines, and utilities. A topographic survey has a variety of uses including planning and zoning, site layout, engineering and architectural design, and construction.



Condominium Survey


A boundary survey of the subject property will be made and the property corners will be located and verified or reset. The improvements to the property will be located and encroachments onto or from the subject property will be determined. A condominium plat will then be prepared in accordance with the current detail requirements for condominium surveys as established by the State of Missouri. This plat identifies the location of the unit or units within the structure on the property and can be used as a basis for unit sales.

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Website by Colton DeBord

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